Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Beginnings

I've decided I want this blog to be more than just a update session for my weight loss woes. I would like to branch out in various directions. First I will continue to update my progress on my diet and exercise, but I also will post information about health issues pertaining to us women (from professional sources of course!) I will also post personal items pertaining to my family, homeschool and general hobbies. These are a major part of my life and in many ways affect my health- in good and bad ways. So please bare with me as I revamp and learn more about blogging! =D God Bless You!!


  1. Just don't start rambeling and sharing all your woes like I
    Love the look:) Glad you found it.
    I think I can squeeze a walk in late tomorrow afternoon. Let me know:)

  2. Thanks! I thought I was going to tear my hair out trying to find it again. It was under my nose the whole time... lol

    A walk sounds good to me. We can play it by ear. =D
