Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ahh....the Sweet Life of Chaos

Yup! I'm lovin' this chaos- NOT! I didn't really think the chaos could get worse- boy was I wrong. Insurance company sent out another company to try to dry out the wood and carpet. Carpet was smelling like a wet dog but smelt much better after they cleaned in...notice I said "smelt"? Yup! Wet dog smell back! Grrr! Will be speaking with said insurance company first thing in the AM regarding the canine stench! Anywho, after inspection they agreed (well duh!) that the wood floor was ruined. After reporting back to the insurance they approved for the wood to be immediately torn up. T kind of snickered to himself...when he installed it he glued it down and he used really good glue. It was rather humorous to see the man attempt to pull it up and then quickly decided he was going to need some heavy duty tools to make it happen. Fine by T- since he won't be compensated for his time to pull up then might as well let them do it and the insurance pay for it. =) So the man will be back in the AM with help (he, he) to remove the wood. In comes more CHAOS! lol

Really, I'm ok with it. The end results will actually help us a lot in our goals for the house. =D It's just a matter with putting up with the mess a bit more. With that being said.....

Hope your Thursday is more serene than mine will be!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Juggling Projects.

Well, here we are and we're still standing! Today was a good day. T worked on the deck trying to get as much completed as possible before any thunderstorms moved in. I worked in the garden preparing soil and planting seeds in pots.

Didn't get another coat on cabinets...T was tired and I don't blame him- I was too!

Claim in process for floors so cross your fingers that that goes smoothly. Carpet is pulled back, part of padding removed and fans are blowing. Thank goodness it was 80 today! My cozy (a nice way to say it's stinkin' small!) home that was being spring cleaned and organized is now once again in chaos...I'm thinking I might as well stay in this realm instead of fighting it!

I hope we can finish a few of these projects before starting something else...I'm having a hard time deciding which one to work on! ha,ha.

Still waiting on taxes...the suspense is killing me!

Hope your Tuesday is kind to you!

To Dry out or Not to Dry Out?....That is the Question!

Water- do you really think about this resource often? How it affects our lives? Just think of all the good things it does for us:

  • keeps us hydrated
  • cleanses our hands/bodies
  • used for cleaning the home
  • waters the garden for us to have fresh produce
Lets face it the list could go on and on! But even though the pros of this precious resource are great, there is some cons....just ask Japan! In our little house we have experienced one of these "little" cons. Last night we came home to a very wet hardwood floor! =O Floor officially shot! Apparently, our refrigerator decided to somehow spew this precious resource all over the floor extending into the entry area and soaking about 2-3 feet into the carpet (not too sad about that one! lol). Oh well, honestly we're just not that upset over it. What good does it do to get upset? As the hubby and I discussed, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. We are very thankful that the Lord stopped the water from continuing into the rest of the house and destroying furniture and we're also thankful that the cause of the water damaged is covered by homeowners insurance! The only items effected were the hardwood, carpet and a few books became slightly damp. Thank You Lord! Claim has been filed with insurance and so in the next few days we shall see what happens.

And so goes the days of our lives! lol

So, how was your weekend?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Projects Galore!

And so the projects continue. Cabinets have coat of urethane on them, but need two more, sanded and then final close I can almost taste it- or maybe that's smell it! =-P Anywho, items currently in the works:

  • new deck (as we speak! =))
  • starting seeds for garden
  • spring cleaning/organizing
  • and I'm sure there's something else I can find to do!

It's such a glorious day! Enjoy everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ahh...To Be Dust Free!

Nothing like the feeling of "spring cleaning"! Dove knee deep into Little D's room...=O It was a disaster of epic proportions that I've been putting off for a while. Next on the agenda Little Man's's not much better! They clean their rooms themselves, but this is a cleaning that only a desperate mother can accomplish! =) From there it's the master bedroom/bath.

During this time I've also been attempting to bring some sort of order back to the kitchen....I stress the word "attempting"! The cabinets are one step closer to being complete. They've been stained and now it's time for the polyurethane, but since hubby is working (not complaining for sure! =D) they will have to wait until he has some free time.

Until next time...


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting Back on the Wagon

Well, it's time to kick it back in gear! Been off the wagon since Christmas time and having a hard time getting back in my groove, but the time has come! I think I've gained a little back but not all- Thank goodness!!! Wanted to walk today but it didn't work out on several levels.

On the upside- taxes are done! WooHOO!! We have lots of tasks on the list around here. T is still working on cabinets. It's a big job but it's coming along and we're nearing the finish line. =) Other tasks I see on the horizon (not necessarily in the order listed):

  • painting my bedroom and bath
  • new carpeting in main room
  • repainting M's bedroom
  • new deck in the back
  • the garden
  • new roof
and "yes", there is more if you can believe it! lol
