Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I've Almost Made It...

...that is without eating anything else tonight and I'm HUNGRY! After we came home I managed to hit (well, not literally!) the treadmill for a 100 calorie blast and then it was on to aerobics for another 50 minutes.... that includes warm-up and a cool down. I've had nothing but some skim milk, water and hot tea to take the edge off...I think I actually didn't eat enough today, but I'm refusing to eat this late...one of my main problems! UGH! Why do I have to be fat! On the upside...someone gave me a compliment tonight- said it looked like I had lost some weight...I think she might need glasses, but I'm grateful for the kind words anyway! =D Catch ya all later!

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ!"


  1. How about we say that to each other at least once a month? That way, we'll always feel accomplished....or like the other person is blind! haha I haven't gotten on the scale today because I was tempted by chips last night...grrrrr.

  2. I dunno..love is blind! hahah I dont take compliments from someone I know REALLY loves me no matter what. hahah sorry to be negative! hahahha
