Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Banana Bread Anyone?

Ok, today started out pretty decent, but slowly went downhill from there. Had a good breakfast of poached eggs, toast (no butter:) and coffee (made by my fantabulous husband!). Then it was off to clean someone else's house- there's just something wrong about that! lol at least I bring money home with me. Anyway, I'm noticing how I have more energy and just feel better in general. Lunch was a little pitiful though...I made the mistake of getting out the baked lays and snacked a little too much. But had an apple afterwards. Dinner was homemade chili....mostly broth based so that was good, BUT the cornbread was hard to resist...had several small pieces (my tummy is growling just thinking about it). Then came the really hard part- the banana bread....had some bananas that were way too ripe to eat, but I didn't want to waste them so I made bread with them to surprise the fam! Boy was it good....YUP I could not at least have one piece! But to punish myself for my bad deeds I hopped on the treadmill for a short time then I did step aerobics and strength training. Oh, and I almost forgot, I even walked with the kids this afternoon. Loving the mild November weather!

Total miles incinerated = 20!


  1. Man your way to critical about what you ENJOY LIFE!!!! My moto isn't doing good for me is it? hahahah
    I'v tried watching what I eat lately and its noooooot working..oh well

  2. LOL! I'm am being strict on myself, but I have some goals to meet and I'm trying to learn to control cravings and such.

    Are you still tracking points or did you stop that? I don't mind eating the banana bread, but what I find scary it that I don't know the exact amount of calories in it so that I can track what I'm intaking. I can still lose and eat it as long as I can plan out.

    It was Gramm's yummy!
