Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feeling Normal.....Sort of

Starting to really feel normal for a change. Stomach has been on the weak side since the stomach flu hit over the weekend. Unfortunately, T did come down with it yesterday =( but seems to be getting better this evening. So far so good for little D!

Can't believe Christmas is coming so quickly! =O December is passing me by...not necessarily from Christmas stuff but from life in general.

Did 2.5 miles on the treadmill last night and then some strength training.

Total Miles Butchered = 77.5


  1. I can't believe you still exercised after being sick yesterday! Yikes! I did a little yoga this morning, but by no means was it something to brag about. I'm about to do a little more, but it's just P.M. yoga, so it's mean to relax.

    Hope you're all back to being yourself soon, and that everyone else in your house remains that way!

  2. Yup! I've gone "Diehard"! No pain no gain they say....I finally figured out what they meant by that! lol

    We're finally feeling pretty good around's good to be back to our version of "normal" lol
