Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Sugar Rush

Well, the party is over and was a huge success with the kiddos. M said it was the best party ever! We had beautiful weather full of sunshine and laughter.

On the waistline issue.... I consumed way more than I should have....my blood is oozing high-frutose corn syrup- YUCK Some day I will learn self control. I used to never consider myself an emotional eater, but I've noticed it more in my late 20s and 30s. When I'm stressed to get something complete or when I'm sleep deprived I go wacko and I reach of salty carbs or sweets.

New strategy: I decided to switch to WW points for now and see how things go. I've been doing another diet from Prevention, but I think I'm eating too many calories for my size. I haven't gained but I'm not see the results like I want....it could be just me not be diligent enough...=( Not to mention, buying all those nuts can get a little pricey especially when their organic. I do still plan to incorporate them into my diet though since they are heart healthy and are proven to help reduce belly fat (I despise that term!). As I go along I will attempt to track what I'm eating and also post favorite recipes with point results. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh, I forgot to mention....earlier as I shoved a tootsie roll into my mouth, my son said, "eh, eh, eh! Your on a diet!" Grrrr

  2. LOL at M! I'm glad you all had fun--I felt like I was missing out, so I made sure not to discuss it infront of E. I made Chimichangas last night off of a WW website--they were pretty good, although I did add to their point value by adding cheese. The girls thought they were too spicey, but I had added some extra flavor since S didn't like the last two WW recipes I made. I spent the other afternoon on a WW site picking out recipes, so let me know how it goes for you. I have a lot less self-control when I spend the day working like I have--even if I'm not actually doing much all day-- because I get so tired.

  3. Wish you could have come- you were missed! =) Chimis sound YUM! You'll have to give me that one.

    Yup- the best thing we both can do is PLAN AHEAD! If we have everything planned out especially before a busy day then we don't have to worry about temptation and reaching for the "easy stuff". I had a ton of WW recipes here at home. If want to look through them you can. Sometimes I just look through them for the inspiration and then make my own spin off dish.
