Friday, March 26, 2010

Starting the Battle Over!

Ok, my resolve that I lost last night has returned and I'm starting over again. I've had breakfast and I preparing lunch- here's what I've got:


Cream of wheat w/water, banana and syrup: 4 points
Coffee: 0 points


Portabello sandwich (1 piece bread) w/tsp olive oil, lettuce, onion: 2 pts =D
red bell pepper slices (instead of chips!): 0 pts. =D
diet cola

Total so far: 6 pts.


  1. Hummm..ok this is just "Cuz" talking..but I dont see any protien or water..Wouldnt you feel fuller and better if you had more protein. I did something with WW that was a curse for me at first. I would try SOO hard and be soo good during the day. Come dinner time my body needed alot more than supper was gonna give it. I dunno..what do I know. I just know your big on protein and I didn't see any.
    BTW...whats up with choco syrup?!?! lol

  2. Two complaints:

    1. It's no fair that those who drink coffee don't have to count points for it.

    2. It's no fair you can eat peppers and they don't make you feel sick.

    Ok, I've said my peace (or is it piece?) haha

  3. You're on to something here, Cuz! I have drank some water, but I do need to increase it big time...I just didn't list what I've drank. As far as protein goes I've had some, but not much and Yes! I'm hungry right now! UGH! I am big on protein...I love protein.....particularly in the form of meat! Thanks for keeping an eye on me. That's the way we can encourage each other and keep each other on the right track! :)

    cream of wheat has 3 grams
    banana has 1 gram
    bread for lunch 2 grams

    So you've noticed the chocolate syrup, huh? lol I slice the banana on top of the hot cereal and then I drizzle 1 tsp of syrup on top. Just gives it a little more flavor and has only about 13 calories. =D

  4. Umm...sorry about the coffee and peppers! lol Have you ever tried red bell peppers? They taste different than green- more sweeter. So are the yellow and orange...I don't really care for the green- bitter and overpowering in dishes.
