It's Monday again. We're off to a decent start around here. Still have a lot to do though before heading to church tonight. Now that school is complete we'll have some lunch then off to Toys R Us for Matthew's birthday gift from Grammy and PaPa, then to the bank and then back home for hand dipped candle experiments, ironing church clothes and, I think that's it. =O Good thing we're having leftover lasagna (low fat veggie lasagna)!
On the front lines- off to a good start for the week. I was encouraged to put on my skirt yesterday and have it fit a little better than before. I'll take what I can get! lol Here's what I've had so far:
english muffin (light version) - 1pt
1 organic egg (cooked over easy with PAM only) 2 pts.
1 slice WW cheese - 1 pt
1 piece turkey bacon- 1 pt
Coffee- 0
Large (about 10 oz) water
Total- 5 pts. Considering how much yolk ran down my shirt, skirt and onto the floor when I bit into it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 4 pts. instead! lol I know this seems a lot, but I've noticed if I eat a decent breakfast then I can go longer and maintain myself better. Also, as I was discussing with JoJo the other day, I need more protein in my diet. Eggs have a certain kind of protein that stick with you longer....I actually read this in my Fitness magazine.
Hope you're all having a great day! =)