Among daily life I would like to completed:
- My 100 miles (July 17th is looking a little impossible but I will be racing to complete as fast as possible)
- cleaning out bedrooms from old clothes.
- Trim bushes in front yard
- Make jam for fam (this task has mixed feelings....I love it, don't need it and am slightly afraid to have it in the house because I will eat it!)
- order remaining portion of school books/supplies (I guess this should be at the top of the list...haha)
- Sell some items on ebay that are cluttering my life
- lose 30 pounds! haha....guess this should be at the top too! And yes, I highly doubt this will happen before end of summer, but would sure like to get a head start on it....this coincides with my 100 miles. =D
- paint family room
- paint master bedroom
- paint little man's room
- paint master bath after wall repairs
- finish roof replacement....if we can ever get a few free days that has no rain in it then this might happen! Materials are here just need it to work out on the schedule! UGH! So close I can taste it!
- Become a completely organized, on time/never late, skinny person that completes everything by noon everyday (including schooling) that asking too much? 8-O What can I say....I dream big! lol
So as you can see, I got things to do this summer....I'm pretty sure that several items won't be completed due to $$.....this is always as issue- ICK!
This sounds're a grown-up. Remember hearing that we should enjoy childhood? I knew I wanted to stay young . I'm under the gun to understand almost impossible concepts & then tie them together in my paper that is due in 23 days in order to graduate. Then I have to face talking about my paper with my "readers" who of course know more about these concepts than me...all in order to graduate in order to actually work this fall . That's in addition to keeping up the school work with the girls, violin lessons, house chorse, cooking, and the extra projects that seem to loom continually. Wow. Your blog is a good place to vent . Well, here's to the last thing on your list!