Thursday, January 13, 2011


Time to get back on the band wagon...the holidays are over and so is the bad eating....I HOPE! lol I have to start back to my rigorous cardio routine....It's amazing how different I feel when I'm not working out and also how I handle stress.....with cardio I hardly notice cardio- I eat it!

With Christ all things are possible!

Only Believe


  1. Ugh! I have not exercised in almost a month...GASP! I lost a few pounds while in AZ (which I have no idea how THAT happeneds) But I feel sooooooo gross!
    But it is soo cold to be driving to Curves at 5:45 am...that is just unthinkable:(

  2. I know what you mean...I've been out of my routine since mom and dad were here. I did exercise with them some when they were here but not enough.

    You probably lost weight in AZ just being busy on the go! What a major plus- losing weight on vaca! Cool!

    When if warms up a bit we need to hit the park in your neighborhood for some tennis! =) If we went now we would turn into ice sculptures! lol
