Friday, June 18, 2010

I Thought Summer Was Supposed To Be Relaxing?!

I'm hear- well sort of! lol Been doing lots of chores and projects around the house and haven't stopped in to blog. Tomorrow's plan will be for cleaning and sewing. I have signed the kiddos up for swim lessons next week...Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs for two weeks! They have been playing in the bladder pool we put in the back and are doing great! We'll be leaving for vacation's a good thing cause I'm going to need the break! lol


  1. I'm glad you're "hear"--it would be terrible for you to be "thear" hehe Let me know how your sewing projects turn out! Have fun =) We need to return to tennis once this heat eases a little...or else we may pass out!

  2. GRRR! I usually proof read to try to catch my grammar errors, but alas I was pretty sleepy! Thank goodness I'm HERE now! lol I'm really missing the tennis! =( But we would pass out in this heat. Did you hear the storms this morning?! Yikes!!
