Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lots to Do!!!

Today is our homeschool spelling bee. I've been practicing with M. My head is swimming with the same words over and over! We've played hangman, wrote them down, said them out loud while driving down the road, sang little songs.....I'm wore out! lol

Need to finish up the garden before any more rain comes! seems to be spaced out just right between storms!

T wants to go look at a vehicle tonight. He wants to trade his truck in on a newer Expo. He's been searching for one recently and found one nearby that we both like by whats listed. We love our current one, but it is finally starting to show it's age. For being 12 years old and over 150,000 miles on it, it just keeps going! Furthermore, he is ready to part with the truck and move on to something different. We put several costly repairs into it and he's tired of that. Please pray that the Lord leads us in the right direction (and that we listen!) to a vehicle that is dependable and a good price for us. Basically the one HE wants for us!

Hoping to fit some more exercise in here somewhere! The question is where?! Gotta keep trying- can't slack! I'm setting a goal of the end of June!


  1. Just keep chugging along! I will pray about the vehicle!

    On another note, I went for a walk with the girls tonight...second night in a row the cops have been in my neighborhood, 3rd time in two days just from when I've actually witnessed it, all at different houses. Now we have loud music playing, and the people....(sigh)...I'm praying about being able to move soon. It's not that I want what others have, it's that I want a safe, clean place for my family! I'm so tired of the influences!

    Ok, now that I've rambled...I will be praying about your new vehicle! I didn't know you were planning on purchasing it so soon!

  2. We've been talking about it and T has been watching the inventory on the internet. He found one he liked last week, but it was sold quickly. Then we found this one- that we really like!- and we didn't want to take too long to look into it. So we're praying about it and seeing how things work out between the bank and the numbers on trade-in and so forth. We do really like it, but we want it to be the one the Lord wants for us.

    I too will pray about your house situation- when the time is right it will all fall into place.
